2014-2015 Board of Directors

President (Dave Roalef) - responsible for the overall strategic direction, organization and welfare of the club; chairs the Board meetings and directs the day-to-day operations of the club; empowered to take prudent action in cases not covered by the By-laws; appoints any necessary committees; interacts with all Leagues and Sanctioning Organizations and keeps the club in compliance with their regulations; over-sees the entire try-out process; schedules all practices and games; is responsible for publishing the Coaches Handbook; designs and runs the Parent Rep. meeting; and chairs the Tournament Committee.

Vice-President (Open) - substitutes for the President when necessary; interacts with the City of Kettering, the Board of Education, all local Youth Programs and the High Schools; coordinates the pre-season player clinic.  Monitors the voice mailbox number and responds to requests for information; maintains the Club's web site and master mailing lists; and where possible, automates all club functions.

Treasurer (Melissa Beatty) - handles the financial matters and operations of the club; prepares, submits and monitors a yearly budget; keeps the official financial records (books); publishes the financial reports; handles all tax related issues; oversees the club bank account; responsible for all investments; handles all scholarship requests; administers the sponsorship program and seeks donations; and chairs the constitution and by-laws review process.

Uniforms, Spirit Wear  and Raffle Coordinator  (Allison Heether) - Runs the Spirit-wear Sale.  Purchases, distributes, collects and inventories all of the club's uniforms.  Purchases, distributes, collects and inventories all of the club's equipment and first aid supplies and coordinates the Metro Conference Raffle Ticket sale.

Secretary/Publicity (Open) - records and distributes the minutes of all meetings, handles correspondence. Acts as historian and record keeper. responsible for maintaining the website; monitors the voice mailbox number and responds to requests for information; maintains the Club's master mailing lists; and where possible, automates all club functions. Writes and submits articles, game results, achievements, etc. to all local news media; maintains team records, responsible for all advertising;  publishes the Club Newsletter; organizes the Annual Meeting; and is responsible for all Team Pictures.

Competitive Cheer (Nichole Richardson) Offers competitive cheerleading teams to cheer for our boys teams and compete at competitions.

Equipment (open) ensures that all equipment is distributed, collected, accounted for, and replaced as needed.

Boys Coordinator (Dave Roalef, acting) - recruits and recommends to the Board the coaches for the boys' teams; assists the boys coaches with team and player development; sets the practice processes, game procedures & strategies for the boys teams, selects the leagues & tournaments for the boys' teams; handles all re-scheduling of boys games and is responsible to verify all boys home games; performs the entire parent evaluation process for all the boys teams; and handles all interaction with the Basketball Officials Association.

Girls Coordinator (Dave Roalef, acting) - recruits and recommends to the Board the coaches for all the girls' teams; assists the girls coaches with team and player development; sets the practice processes, game procedures and strategies for the girls teams, selects the leagues and tournaments for the girls' teams; handles all re-scheduling of girls games and is responsible to verify all girls home games.

Monday Night Hoops League Coordinator (Open) - Runs all aspects of the Monday Night Hoops league.

Spring Coordinator (Open) - responsible for oversight and administration of the KBC Spring AAU program, consistent with club policies.


Boys (Blair Albrecht, Fairmont Varsity Head Coach) - coordination with high school, training of coaches, publicity, advisor

Girls (Lacy Romine, Fairmont Varsity Head Coach) - coordination with high school, training of coaches, publicity, advisor

Cheer  (Carrie Kihn, Fairmont Varsity Head Coach) - coordination with high school, training of coaches, publicity, advisor